
Arthur Leonard Johnson, Jr. Post 172


Commander's Corner

Hello American Legion Post 172 Family,

The 2024 – 2025 year is upon us, and we have already taken off running. I would like
to personally give my thanks to the entire Legion Family that led to us being highly
successful at the primary goals of the post which are to help veterans, their families,
each other, and our community.
We have already surpassed 50% of our post membership goal for the 2025 Legion
Year. The posts in Houston County wield a big stick in the state of Georgia. We are
responsible for 50% of the 6 th District’s Membership Goal. Again, thank you for your
hard work.

This year we will be concentrating on, in addition to The Four Pillars, our post
appearance. Post 172 has a rich history, but to be honest, our decorations have
become a bit outdated. We have already painted the paneling and there will be more
changes to come.

Something that our executive board and I will be looking for this year is more
volunteerism from our membership. We have over 500 members total and the same
few volunteers for everything. As successful as we were, just imagine if we could double
the number of hours of volunteerism. Also, we need to tap into all the expertise we have
around the post. If you are a carpenter, plumber, electrician, hvac or just all-around
handyman, we could use your skill to keep the post going in more of an economical
fashion. If you fit the bill, please contact me at 4789551104 or

30 August – 5 th Friday of the Month Meal (potluck)
2 September – Labor Day (closed)
6 September – First Friday of the Month with Auxiliary Meal and DJ Mystic Sounds
11 September – Commemorating September 11 th with a moment of silence at 1700 hrs
14 September – Department of GA District Commander Training 0900 -1400
15 September – Open Sunday 1 – 6 pm. Chili Meal (potluck)

Well, that’s all for our first addition of Commander’s Corner. More to come. I will
attempt to update you guys via this format every 30 days. Again, thank you for putting
veterans and their families first.

Rob Russell